Grill Station Good For Health?

Imagine this:

You have just received your tax refund, you get a big promotion at work, or you simply get inspired and decide it’s time to spruce up your backyard. You sit down with your significant other and talk about what you want your new backyard to look like and the primary function it will serve whether it be to entertain friends, bond with the family, a quiet relaxation space, or all of the above! You advocate to get yourself a grill station however your significant other is not quite on board so it takes a little bit of convincing. You have finally convinced them that a grill station will be added to your new backyard! So what was the main reason they agreed?


When you bring up the health benefits of adding a grill station to your backyard your significant other looks at you with a very confused look, so you explain:

  • Grilling reduces the amount of oil-if any-that is needed. It is recommended that the average adult consume 20-35% of their calories from fat. By reducing the oils used to cook the meat because of grilling, you can get those fats from a different source and live a more balanced lifestyle

  • According to Saggese, a SNAP-Ed program coordinator at Ohio State University Extension Lucas County, “We know through research that families that eat together tend to have more positive relationships.”

  • Standing vs. Sitting- by standing to grill versus, let’s say ordering takeout, you are increasing your Non Exercise Energy Thermogenesis which is a fancy way of stating that by standing versus sitting you are increasing the calories you burn throughout the day.

As you can see, these are just a few of the health benefits of adding a grill station to your backyard but there are many more!

Give us a call today for information on adding a grill station to your backyard!

Healthy Fat Intake. (2014, November 28). Retrieved June 26, 2020, from dietary reference intake (DRI,because they provide health benefits.

Sares, G. (2018, July 24). Grilling Together Helps Dads and Kids Bond. Retrieved June 26, 2020, from

McCall, P. (2017, November 21). 6 Things to Know About Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Retrieved June 26, 2020, from


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