The Kansas City Hardscapes Blog
Benefits Of An Outdoor Kitchen
Eating out adds up quickly but cooking in can save you money. With an outdoor kitchen, you may be enticed to eat in more.
Timeline For An Outdoor Living Project
An outdoor living project can take anywhere from two to three weeks or more, depending on the scope of the project.
What Is The Difference Between Pergolas And Pavilions?
How to Choose the Right Structure for Your Hardscape Pergolas and pavilions are similar structures often found in parks,…
Outdoor Lighting Makes All The Difference
In your outdoor living space, without outdoor lighting it can be difficult to transition from day to night. When your hardscape design is an outdoor…
Why You Need An Outdoor Living Area At Your Home
There’s no way around it, adding an outdoor living area to your home is a big investment. Whether you have plans for creating a small seating…
Tips For Decorating Your Hardscape For The Holidays
With the holiday season upon us, there’s no better time than now to start thinking about ways to transform your hardscape into a winter wonderland.
Stone Veneer Vs Brick Fireplaces
Both stone veneer and brick fireplaces make good choices for your outdoor living space, so choosing between the two will be a matter of preferences and priorities.
Wood Burning Fire Pits Vs Gas Fire Pits: Which Is Best For You?
When deciding between a wood-burning fire pit and a gas fire pit, both are attractive options for your outdoor living space.